Simple Solutions to Complex Situations


high-risk areas

abril 4, 2024

Maximizing Your Property Protection in High-Risk Areas

Living in areas with heightened exposure to natural disasters requires a well-thought-out strategy to safeguard your property. At Best Formula Insurance, our primary goal is to ensure that homeowners in high-risk regions such as California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Illinois, Texas, and Michigan are well-equipped with the necessary information and insurance coverage to protect their […]
junio 29, 2023

Property with California Fair Plan, What is it? Pros and Cons.

When it comes to securing insurance coverage in California, homeowners and property owners may encounter challenges due to various factors such as high-risk locations or a history of claims. In such cases, the California Fair Plan offers an alternative solution. However, at Best Formula Insurance, we believe that exploring insurance options beyond the California Fair […]