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Commercial Auto

Light Auto, Medium Auto, Long Haul, Tow Trucks, Sand & Gravel, Intermodal, Cargo and more.

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Home » Business Insurance Center » Business Industries

Business Industries

Best Formula Insurance provides specialized insurance coverage across a wide range of business industries, ensuring your unique risks are managed effectively. Some of the industries we serve include:


Accounting Firms

Protect your financial consulting services with tailored coverage.

Alarm Contractors

Secure your contracting business from potential risks with industry-specific policies.


Safeguard your brewery against equipment breakdowns, liability, and other industry hazards.

Food Catering

Get coverage for food spoilage, liability, and employee-related incidents.

Cleaning Business

Minimize your exposure to property damage, theft, and liability issues.


Cover your construction projects with comprehensive Builder’s Risk policies and more.

Consulting Firms

Protect your reputation and operations with Errors & Omissions insurance.


Secure your daycare from property damage and liability with tailored coverage.

Dental Practices

Protect your dental office’s equipment, property, and liability risks.

Financial Services

Ensure your financial services firm is protected against liability and compliance risks.


Shield your business with liability, property, and commercial auto coverage.

Law Firms

Ensure your firm’s assets and reputation are secure.

Nursing Homes

Manage property and liability risks with specialized coverage.


Safeguard your office with tailored property and general liability policies.

Personal Trainers

Minimize liability exposure while providing training services.

Real Estate

Cover your agency with Errors & Omissions, general liability, and property insurance.

Restaurants, Bars & Taverns

Manage risks like property damage, liquor liability, and employee-related incidents.


Protect your retail store from inventory loss, liability, and property damage.

Specialty Trade Contractors

Ensure your specialized trade business is secured against common industry hazards.  



Coverage Options

To best serve your unique business needs, we offer a range of coverage options, including:

  • Builder’s Risk
  • Commercial Auto
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Property
  • Umbrella & Excess Casualty
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Bonds
  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Errors & Omissions Liability
  • Cyber Insurance
  • Product Liability
  • General Liability
  • Business Owner’s Policy


Best Formula Insurance ensures comprehensive, reliable protection for your business by understanding the specific challenges and risks faced by each industry. Our experts carefully assess your unique requirements to provide insurance solutions that minimize risks and protect your valuable assets. We work with you to craft a personalized policy that addresses your exact needs, whether it’s liability protection, safeguarding against property damage, or ensuring business continuity through workers’ compensation and bonds.

Reach out to us today to discuss your business insurance needs. Our team is ready to guide you through the process, helping you navigate coverage options and find the perfect solution tailored specifically to your industry. With Best Formula Insurance, you’ll gain peace of mind, knowing that your business is well-protected and ready to thrive.